Incredible India - Saturday
Blog & Op-eds | March 04, 2006
With 25 million babies born annually in India, ensuring they all have a safe and healthy start to life is a considerable challenge. This morning, I vi...
Queen Rania Attends Child Survival Symposium in the U.S.
Press Releases | September 18, 2006
(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department - New York) At the turn of the century, world leaders came together to outline the most pressing needs and ob...
Jordan Armed Forces Celebrate His Majesty King Abdullah II Birthday
Press Releases | February 13, 2006
(Royal Hashemite Court, Communication & Information Division - Amman) His Majesty King Abdullah, the supreme commander of the Jordan Armed Forces ...
Their Majesties King Abdullah II and Queen Rania in Kuwait
Press Releases | May 22, 2006
(Royal Hashemite Court, Communication & Information Division - Amman) Jordan and Kuwait on Sunday called for the resumption of the Middle East pea...
Their Majesties King Abdullah II and Queen Rania Meet US Delegation
Press Releases | May 04, 2006
(Jordan Times - Amman) His Majesty King Abdullah on Wednesday met with a delegation of Japanese parliamentarians to discuss the latest political devel...
مجلة تايم تختار الملكة رانيا ضمن فئة الملهمين والرياديين
Press Releases | November 13, 2006
13 تشرين الثاني 2006
عمان - اختارت مجلة تايم في عددها الخاص بمناسبة مرور 60 عاما على صدورها في اوروبا والشرق الأوسط وافريقيا جلالة الملكة...
Queen Rania Joins Other Parites to Launch Financing Tool for Vaccines and Immunization
Press Releases | November 07, 2006
(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department – London) Her Majesty Queen Rania Al-Abdullah of Jordan joined Chancellor Gordon Brown, representatives from ...
Queen Rania marks birthday
Press Releases | September 01, 2006
(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department - Amman) Her Majesty Queen Rania Al-Abdullah of Jordan, the youngest queen in the world, turned 36 today.
Queen Rania Visits South Africa to Promote Safety
Press Releases | April 02, 2006
(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department – South Africa) At the opening session of the World Health Organization's 8th World Conference on Injury Prev...
Queen Rania Joins United Nations Foundation Board of Directors
Press Releases | September 21, 2006
(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department - New York) Her Majesty Queen Rania Al-Abdullah met with Ted Turner, Chairman of the United Nations Foundatio...
Queen Rania Attends JEI Executive Board Meeting
Press Releases | November 21, 2006
(Jordan Times - Amman)
Her Majesty Queen Rania on Tuesday said Jordan now has the necessary infrastructure to meet all the requirements of the Jord...
London Business School 2006 Worldclass Event Opens
Press Releases | April 10, 2006
(Jordan Times - Amman)\
The London Business School 2006 Worldclass event entitled, “Why Should Anyone be Led by You?” opened on Sunday.
Queen Rania places foundation stone for Center for Entrepreneurship
Press Releases | May 14, 2006
(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department - Amman) Celebrating the spirit of entrepreneurship among student youth across Jordanian universities, Her Ma...
Institute De Empresa Business School in Spain Launches Queen Rania Scholarship for Women Business Leaders
Press Releases | March 07, 2006
(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department - Amman) The Instituto de Empresa Foundation announced on Tuesday the launch of 'The Queen Rania Scholarship ...
Queen Rania Visits Educational Initiatives in Turkey
Press Releases | February 25, 2006
(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department - Istanbul) In her capacity as a renowned advocate for education and children's issues, Her Majesty Queen Ran...
الملكة رانيا تطلع على التجربة التركية في مجال تعليم الأطفال وتشارك في مؤتمر للطفولة المبكرة
Press Releases | February 24, 2006
24 شباط 2006
اسطنبول - شاركت جلالة الملكة رانيا العبدالله اليوم في اسطنبول بالجلسة الافتتاحية لمؤتمر التعليم للطفولة المبكرة لتحقيق...
Queen Rania Rewards Distinguished Teachers
Press Releases | October 04, 2006
(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department - Amman) As teachers around the world celebrate World Teacher's Day, five outstanding educators in Jordan are...
Her Majesty Meets with Assessors of the Queen Rania Award for Excellence in Education
Press Releases | September 03, 2006
(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department - Amman) Her Majesty Queen Rania Al-Abdullah met, Sunday, with the assessors of the Queen Rania Award for Exc...
Queen Rania meets with the Queen Rania Award for Distinguished Teachers Committee
Press Releases | May 17, 2006
(Jordan Times, Press Department - Amman) The committee charged with overseeing the Queen Rania Award for Distinguished Teachers on Wednesday decided o...
Students Brief Queen Rania on Necessary Qualities of a Distinguished Teacher During the Queen Rania Excellence Award for Teaching Logo Launch
Press Releases | March 05, 2006
(Jordan Times, Mohammad Ghazal - Amman) Her Majesty Queen Rania joined public high school students from around the Kingdom in Amman on Sunday in ...
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Queen Rania's official website
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