Queen Rania Visits Jerash Darb Al Noor Association and Meets with Local Project Owners
Press Releases | January 05, 2025
(Office of Her Majesty – Press Department – Jerash) - Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah visited the governorate of Jerash on Sunday, where she met w...
Queen Rania Meets Incoming First Lady Melania Trump in Florida
Press Releases | January 17, 2025
(Office of Her Majesty – Press Department – Palm Beach) - Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah met with incoming U.S. First Lady Melania Trump in Palm ...
Queen Rania’s Interview with Corriere della Sera
Interviews | January 28, 2025
Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan will participate in the World Summit on Children’s Rights, which Pope Francis is convening on February 3, 2025, at t...
Queen Rania Calls for Upholding the Rights of All Children at Vatican’s World Summit
Press Releases | February 03, 2025
(Office of Her Majesty – Press Department – Vatican City) - Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah called for the universal and unconditional application...
Queen Rania’s Remarks at World Summit on Children’s Rights - Vatican City
Speeches | February 03, 2025
Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim.
Your Holiness Pope Francis, thank you for convening this critical ...
Queen Rania Invites Europeans to Visit Jordan and Explore its Historical Treasures
Press Releases | February 04, 2025
(Office of Her Majesty – Press Department – Rome) - Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah, accompanied by Italian First Lady Laura Mattarella, visited t...
الملكة رانيا العبدالله.. نحو عالم يجسد عدالة الأطفال
وضعت جلالة الملكة رانيا العبدالله خلال حديثها في القمة الدولية لحقوق الأطفال في الفاتيكان؛ المجتمع الدولي امام مسؤولياته القانونية والاخلاقية والانسان...
الملكة رانيا: البسملة رمزٌ للهوية والسلام في المحافل الدولية
تُعد خطابات جلالة الملكة رانيا العبدالله في المحافل الدولية نموذجًا فريدًا للجمع بين الأصالة الثقافية والانفتاح العالمي،ومن السمات البارزة في خطاباتها...
Queen Rania calls for protecting children at Vatican summit
Queen Rania Abdullah of Jordan called on Monday for respecting and protecting children’s rights during the World Summit on Children’s Rights held by t...
"Ils sont privés de tous leurs droits" : l'émouvant discours de Rania de Jordanie à l'occasion du Sommet mondial sur les droits de l'enfant au Vatican
Parmi les orateurs de cet événement, la reine Rania de Jordanie, qui est intervenue au sein d'un panel intitulé "Les droits de l'enfant dans le ...
Rania de Jordanie chaleureusement félicitée par le pape François au Vatican, découvrez pourquoi
Lundi 3 février se tenait le premier Sommet mondial sur les droits de l’enfant à la Cité du Vatican. La reine Rania de Jordanie y a adressé un discour...
La reina Rania de Jordania alza la voz por los derechos de los niños: "La gente se ha vuelto insensible a su dolor"
La reina hachemita participó en la Cumbre Mundial sobre los Derechos del Niño organizada por la Santa Sede en el Vaticano donde reafirmó su compromiso...
Rania de Jordania y el Papa Francisco unen sus fuerzas
'La gente se ha vuelto insensible a su dolor', ha dicho la reina hachemita al reflexionar sobre los derechos de la infanci
La regina Rania al Summit sui diritti dei bambini: «Bimbi di Gaza sentivano una morte imminente»
La regina di Giordania Rania Al Abdullah ha partecipato al Summit internazionale sui diritti dei bambini organizzato in Vaticano.
Queen Rania’s Interview with Times of India
Interviews | February 10, 2025
Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan emphasises the importance of women's leadership in business and governance, and calls for inclusive education system...
Queen Rania's official website
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