13th Annual Handicrafts Exhibition

Queen Rania Inaugurates JRF’s 13th Annual Handicrafts Exhibition

(Jordan Times, Press Department - Amman) Nahed was at first uncomfortable learning new ways of weaving.

Moving away from traditional techniques and designs she had learned and developed through working with the Bani Hamida initiative, she found it difficult at first to create modern products.

“It was strange at first, and even though it is just work, I like the way it turned out,” she said.

Queen Rania Inaugurates JRF's 12th Annual Handicrafts Exhibition

(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department – Amman) Once a year the women of the Al Karama, Bani Hamida and Wadi al Ryan projects come together to exhibit their exquisite creations at Jordan River Foundation's Annual Handicrafts Exhibition. Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah visited the project beneficiaries at the opening of this year's exhibition, titled "Jordanian Summer Fair," to tour the unique displays set up by the foundation.

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