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November 14, 2018
RT @RHCJO: King Abdullah II: It’s been said that all it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing. But together, God willing, we can achieve something important; we can create the future of coexistence that humanity so desperately needs. Let us keep up the struggle

November 14, 2018
RT @RHCJO: King Abdullah II: I am truly humbled to be recognised by all of you. But let me say, everything you honour me for simply carries onward what Jordanians have always done, and how Jordanians have always lived—in mutual kindness, harmony, and brotherhood #TempletonPrize2018

November 14, 2018
Your voice of peace and moderation has transcended the rhetoric of hate and division advocated by extremist factions operating on the fringes of Islam. With everything the world has weathered over the past two decades, your efforts are worth no less than the 2018 Templeton Prize https://t.co/161Y3bf

November 09, 2018
RT @KingAbdullahII: The painful Amman bombings showed the world the strength of Jordanians’ resolve in the face of all threats. The Jordanian people have proved, time and again, that Jordan, the land of tolerance and fellowship, will always stand tall against the forces of darkness

September 25, 2018
RT @RHCJO: King Abdullah II: As many of you know, #Jordan has carried a massive, disproportionate burden as a refugee host. Our people have opened their homes, schools, public services, hospitals. We have shared our country’s scarce resources, our food and energy, our precious water
Queen Rania's official website
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