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October 29, 2020
En son temps, le Prophète Mahomet était l’objet de maintes attaques. Hors cela ne le bouleversa guère. Nulle insulte pourrai enfreindre son patrimoine de tolérance, de patience et de paix. Ces dogmes vivent aujourd’hui à travers ceux qui suivent son véritable exemple. https://t.co/gShZcBJDDd

October 29, 2020
In his lifetime, the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was subjected to endless harassment and mockery. Yet he never wavered. No insult could ever infringe upon his legacy of tolerance, patience, and peace, which lives on in all those who continue to follow his loving example https://t.co/bi4hNRCpy7

March 29, 2019
RT @RHCJO: King Abdullah II: Today all over the world millions of Muslims are coming together to perform Friday prayers, as those pious Muslims did who came to their mosques in New Zealand two Fridays ago. & today, as every day—five times a day—our prayers are calling for peace #LampOfPeace

March 29, 2019
RT @RHCJO: King Abdullah II: I accept the Lamp of Peace on behalf of all who are working for a better future, and, most especially, on behalf of the people of Jordan, Muslim and Christian alike, who are making sacrifices every day for a better future for all #LampOfPeace #Jordan #Italy
Queen Rania's official website
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