Queen Rania Attends Gathering in Support of Children's Safety and Rights

(Jordan Times, Press Department - Amman) More than 200 Amman residents of all ages on Wednesday expressed their rejection of violence against children and called for stricter laws to protect them from abuse.
During a gathering organised by the Jordan River Foundation (JRF) at the Greater Amman Municipality square, people from different walks of life mourned the death of Yazan and Qusai, two recent victims of child abuse.
Her Majesty Queen Rania, chairperson of the JRF and a strong advocate of child rights, participated in the event, where she underscored that each and every individual and institution shoulder a responsibility in preventing violence against children.
The Queen signed a wall painting by artists and children which calls for denouncing and eliminating child abuse and lit a candle for the souls of the two children, who perished at a very early age after being subject to domestic violence.
Forensic Pathologist Hani Jahshan told The Jordan Times yesterday that five-year-old Yazan, who died last week, was a victim of “Shaken Baby Syndrome”, allegedly inflicted by his family members.
A postmortem revealed that he suffered from a broken skull, he added, noting that an investigation is under way.
Meanwhile, four-year-old Qusai died three months ago of a brain haemorrhage, allegedly caused by his parents.
Participants at the event, the majority of them schoolchildren accompanied by their teachers and parents, held up signs reading, “Say NO to violence against children,” and “Our homes are not places for child torture.”
Abdul Majid Masri said he participated in the gathering to urge the government to pass stricter laws that prevent abuse of children by their parents or the community.
Queen Rania's official website
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