FIFA President Blatter Announced as Co-chair of 1GOAL Campaign

(Office of Her Majesty Press Department- Amman) FIFA President Sepp Blatter will be the co-chair of the 1GOAL campaign which aims to make global education a global reality.
The announcement was made today during a press conference held after a meeting with Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah, where Blatter accepted Queen Rania’s invitation to become co-chair of the 1GOAL campaign.
Along with Queen Rania, co-founder and global co-chair of the 1GOAL campaign, President Blatter pledged his commitment to leadership in an effort to make Education for All the lasting legacy of this year’s World Cup.
The FIFA-backed campaign, launched by Her Majesty Queen Rania last August, aims to recruit tens of millions of supporters through a mass sign-up campaign in the run-up to the South Africa World Cup. The campaign encourages footballers and fans across the world to sign their names on a virtual petition at: on behalf of all those children who cannot even sign their names.
In partnership with the Global Campaign for Education (GCE), 1GOAL urges Governments to give more aid to education and stand by the education pledges made at the UN Summit in 2000. Raising awareness around education, the campaign seeks to achieve a school place for the 72 million children who are still denied access to basic education.
During the meeting, Queen Rania and President Blatter also discussed plans to move forward with the campaign as the opening of the World Cup draws near.
Queen Rania's official website
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