Queen Rania Visits Gallup’s Center for Muslims Studies, Reviews Findings of Latest Poll

(Office of Her Majesty – Press Department – Washington, D.C.) - Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah visited Gallup’s Center for Muslim Studies while in Washington, DC, Monday, to review the center’s latest findings and to discuss the Muslim-West Facts Initiative, a not for profit partnership between Gallup and the Coexist Foundation whose mission is to promote understanding between Eastern and Western communities by sharing the views of the people.
Many of Queen Rania's programs have focused on appreciating the various perspectives in the world, finding common ground and bridging the cultural divide between East and West. Dalia Mogahed, Executive Director of the center, along with Ahmed Younis, a senior analyst at the center, explained the polling process and shared the highlights of their findings, many which fly in the face of conventional wisdom.
The research, which first began in 2001, includes interviews with a representative sample of respondents from more than 35 nations, reflecting the views of 90 percent the world's 1.3 billion Muslims. The results of the study- the largest of its kind- will be published this month as part of a book titled Who Speaks For Islam? What A Billion Muslims Really Think co-authored by John L. Esposito and Dalia Mogahed.
The poll found that most Muslims wanted the West to focus on changing its negative view of Muslims and Islam, and that the vast majority want democracy, but do not want it to be imposed.
The newly established Gallup Center for Muslim Studies is a nonpartisan research center dedicated to providing data-driven analysis on the views of Muslim populations around the world. It will draw upon Gallup's unprecedented global research initiative, the Gallup World Poll and the Gallup Poll of the Muslim World, to enable global leaders, institutions, and the public to make more informed decisions.
Additional links:
Queen Rania:www.queenrania.jo
Muslim West Facts Initiative:www.MuslimWestFacts.com
Additional contacts:
Eric Nielsen, Gallup Center for Muslim Studies
Senior Director, Media Strategies
Queen Rania's official website
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