Queen Rania Inaugurates Prince Hashem Park in Hashemi Shamali

(Jordan Times, Press Department - Amman) Her Majesty Queen Rania on Tuesday joined a group of young people from the east Amman suburb of Hashemi Shamali in a discussion session designed to come up with ideas to present during a youth summit to be held in the US this summer.
The group is participating in the Youth International Summit entitled, “Exploring a World of Possibilities” to be held in Boston in August. During the meeting at the Queen Zein Al Sharaf Institute for Development (ZENID), group members exchanged ideas with Queen Rania on how to correct misconceptions about Arab and Muslim women. They recorded a small message from Queen Rania to carry to the summit. During a visit to the facility’s computer club, a student briefed Her Majesty on its training programmes. The Queen was accompanied on the tour by Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD) CEO Farah Daghestani, ZENID Director Huda Haqi and the director of the Princess Basma Centre at the institute, Suha Najar. Young people from the area, who are benefiting from the club’s programmes, displayed some of their works, such as short films and graphic designs. The Queen also checked the club’s website and listened to a rap song, whose words and music were composed by the members. The song speaks of the club’s positive effect on their lives. The computer clubhouse, which serves youngsters aged between 10 and 18, was inaugurated by Queen Rania in November 2004. Around 500 registered members benefit from the clubhouse, which teaches them new skills, in addition to developing their creativity. Also yesterday, the Queen, accompanied by HRH Prince Hashem, inaugurated Prince Hashem Park in Hashemi Shamali. The Queen, who was received by Amman Mayor Omar Maani, met with several student volunteers, who were painting on the walls. She also watched a play performed by volunteers from the Princess Basma Centre, which highlighted ways to deal with young people and foster their ambitions. At the park, the Queen checked the play area and a multipurpose hall where youngsters can enjoy several recreational activities, such as drawing and reading. During the tour, the Queen talked to young students who benefit from the park’s activities. Last year, Queen Rania laid the cornerstone for the 10-dunum children’s recreational park as part of GAM’s celebrations of His Majesty King Abdullah’s birthday.
Queen Rania's official website
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