During a Visit to the Hashemite University, Queen Rania Inaugurates the Social Work Centre

(Jordan Times, Press Department - Amman) Her Majesty Queen Rania on Tuesday inaugurated the Hashemite University social work centre, highlighting its role in providing the country with trained and efficient social workers.
The centre, which was established in response to the Queen’s call for developing social work in the Kingdom, seeks to promote social change and enhance the profession.
Meeting with Hashemite University President Abdul Rahim Hneiti and the director of the social work centre, Jihad Alaeddine as well as the centre’s beneficiaries, the Queen emphasised the importance of formulating a training curriculum to benefit the entire Kingdom.
She said the centre should also hold short- and long-term training courses that would award certificates in social work and meet the requirements of various social institutions.
Queen Rania also voiced hope that the centre would assist other Arab countries in need of these courses.
The university recently initiated a diploma programme on professional social work and accepted the first group of students at the beginning of the current semester, according to Hneiti.
The centre has already provided 19 training courses for 278 participants from 25 social and academic institutions.
In addition, it has conducted seven field studies on several issues, including the fallout of traffic accidents, difficulties hampering the development of the social work profession and child vagrancy.
During her visit to the university yesterday, Queen Rania also met with students at the university’s e-learning centre and checked on its services.
The centre, which provides 4,000 students with the opportunity to attend online lectures, evaluation sessions and examinations, is electronically connected to universities and educational centres in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.
Queen Rania's official website
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