Queen Rania Visits JRF’s 19th Annual Handicrafts Exhibition

(Office of Her Majesty- Press Department- Amman) Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah visited today the Jordan River Foundation’s (JRF) 19th annual handicrafts exhibition titled “Musings of Traditional Jordan” taking place at the foundation’s showroom located in Jabal Amman.
Queen Rania, accompanied by JRF Director Eng. Ghaleb Al Qudah and Deputy Director of JRF Danah Dajani, toured the exhibition which displays a selection of embroidered designs, bedouin rugs and special gift items that capture Jordan’s tradition. This year’s collection is designed by women working under the foundation’s following handicrafts projects: the Bani Hamida Women’s Weaving project, the JRF Designs project and Wadi Al-Rayan project. So far, these income generating projects have benefitted more than 1,100 women who in turn provide for their families, and are continuously trained in technical and entrepreneurial skills by JRF.
A number of Ambassadors, senior official as well as JRF board members were also visiting the exhibition.
All of JRF’s sales proceeds are channeled back to support the foundation’s projects which empower thousands of local communities across the kingdom.
The Jordan River Foundation was established by Queen Rania in 1995 as a non-governmental organization dedicated to improving the livelihoods of families and communities across Jordan. JRF works through partnerships with the private sector to provide local projects that empower women and men, developing their knowledge and skills in handicraft production, entrepreneurship, and small business management.
Queen Rania's official website
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