Queen Rania Meets with Board Members of Ma’an Charitable Society for Women

(Office of Her Majesty- Press department- Amman) Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah met today with the head and board members of the Ma’an Charitable Society for Women. The meeting discussed the society's work in Ma'an governorate, which aims to empower women politically, economically, culturally, and socially.
Chairman Maha Al Odat shared a brief about the society's scope of work since it was established in 2008. She elaborated on their collaboration with the Women’s Union in the governorate, which the society was involved in establishing. Maha explained how, working together, the two entities aim to increase female participation in the improvement of the livelihoods of their communities.
Queen Rania expressed to attendees her pride in their accomplishments and success stories.
Other board members including Vice Chairman Ghusun Ahmad Al Bazay’a, Treasurer Umaima Salah Abu Odeh, Secretary Subhieh Mohammad Al Sharari, Manal Mohammad Abu Ora, Fadwa Mohammad Al Shalabi, and Alaa Salem Al Nuimat briefed Her Majesty on the programs organized by the society.
The society organizes and conducts workshops, seminars, as well as training on a variety of topics, which include tailoring, health, education, and communication and computer skills. The society also provides skill-development workshops through the Ministry of Planning and carries out youth employment programs through USAID. In cooperation with the National Democratic Institute, revolving loan-systems and training programs on women's participation in politics are also provided.
Queen Rania's official website
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