Queen Rania Meets Beneficiaries of Al Aman Fund for the Future of Orphans

(Office of Her Majesty- Press Department- Amman) Her Majesty Queen Al Abdullah joined students from the Al- Aman Fund for the Future of Orphans in a vocational training workshop, in cooperation with Al Quds College.
The workshop, which was held at the college premises, discussed the outcomes of the vocational training campaign which was launched last year through the partnership of both organizations to promote vocational training amongst youth in Jordan.
During the event, Queen Rania praised this partnership and stressed the importance of changing society's mindset towards vocational jobs. The Queen also highlighted the important role that the private sector plays in encouraging youth to participate in vocational training as well as partnering with training centers to ensure that graduates' skill match the demands of the current job market.
Deputy Director of Al Aman Fund, Mr. Ibrahim Al Ahmad, explained that the purpose of this workshop was to collect feedback from participants and assess whether these vocational training programs provided youth with the set of skills required by the job market.
Participants, which included Al Aman Fund students and graduates of Al Quds College’s vocational program as well as donors, also discussed whether the program helped young graduates start their own business.
CEO of Luminus Group, Mr. Ibrahim Safad, presented a brief about Al Quds College Education for Employment program and outlined future improvements that would incorporate outcomes of the workshop. Mr. Safad also highlighted the program's new approaches that aim to create new job opportunities for youth in different fields.
After attending the workshop, Her Majesty toured the college facility and dropped in on a few classes.
In 2013, Al-Aman Fund for the Future of Orphans and Al Quds College signed an agreement that would grant the fund 30% discount on tuition fees. As well, a one year fully-paid scholarship was offered to Al Aman Fund beneficiaries to study filmmaking at the School of Audio Engineering.
To date, the number of Al- Aman Fund beneficiaries who studied at Al Quds College has reached 254; 130 of whom joined through the vocational training campaign that was launched last year.
Al-Aman Fund for the Future of Orphans is an independent NGO founded by Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah in 2006 and is registered under the Ministry of Social Development to support the neediest of orphaned youth in Jordan.
To date, the fund has benefited 2,304 orphans from 12 governorates. 543 of these beneficiaries are from poverty pocket areas, while 706 are students. The number of graduates who benefited from the fund has reached 1263.
Queen Rania's official website
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