Queen Rania Joins the University of Jordan in Celebrating Arbor Day

(Office of Her Majesty- Press Department- Amman) Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah joined the University of Jordan to celebrate Arbor Day and support the university's efforts to replace the trees that were damaged during the recent snowstorm.
Along with the President of the university, Professor Dr. Ekhleif Tarawneh, vice presidents, deans, faculty members, and students, Her Majesty planted several trees in one of the university's gardens.
Queen Rania then spoke with students partaking in an art exhibition that displayed artwork made out of wood collected from cypress and pine trees which were damaged and broken during the snowstorm. The exhibition was organized by the university in cooperation with the Faculty of Art and Design along with other related faculties as part of an initiative entitled ‘Al Saru Tribute’.
At the Faculty of Art and Design, The Queen also had the chance to see sculptures made by students from the remains of tree trunks. Students explained that their artwork reflected memories and scenes from three of the four seasons: winter, summer, and spring. Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Keram Nimri, was also present.
Her Majesty also met with students from different voluntary initiatives that were launched to help the university overcome the damages caused by the snowstorm.
Queen Rania's official website
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