Queen Rania Honors Healthy Schools and Stresses Importance of Developing Healthy Habits in Schools at an Early Age

(Office of Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah- Press department- Amman) Her Majesty Queen Rania al Abdullah honored the winning schools of the Healthy Schools Accreditation Program which was adopted by the Royal Health Awareness Society (RHAS) in partnership with Jordanian Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education as a national program to accredit schools which are successful in implementing the national schools health standards.
Her Majesty handed out the awards to the 48 schools in total that were honored today in the gold, silver and bronze category. Schools that received a gold award have participated and received accreditation for 3 consecutive years.
Prior to the celebration, Her Majesty met with school principals and health teachers of the first time ‘gold winners’ from six different schools where she congratulated them and commended them on implementation of the national schools health standards, adding that they are now role models for other schools.
During the meeting Her Majesty stressed the importance of such a national program that combines the efforts of Government Ministries and NGOs towards raising the health standards in schools across the kingdom.
Her Majesty also focused on the importance of forming healthy habits at an early age, adding, that a healthy diet affects the students’ academic abilities and concentration.
On their part, teachers expressed their delight to be receiving the awards, and talked about their determination and commitment towards implementing the national schools health standards.
Teachers also said that the new standards have also influenced the local community where local food suppliers and shop keepers are expressing interest in cooperating with their neighboring schools to provide healthier foods.
The Healthy Schools Program introduces standards for healthy school environments, thereby developing healthy lifestyles and eating habits in order to prepare children and adolescents for healthy adulthood.
A set of health standards was designed to include nine chapters that cover different areas of the school health environment and their related performance indicators. The National School Health Standards (NSHS) were evaluated by WHO headquarter and approved on June 2007.
The standards include: leadership and management, school environment and health safety, health awareness, effectiveness of the workers and teachers in school, community participation, the health services provided to students, counseling services and psychological health, sports, and nutrition.
68 schools participated in the program this year, 48 of which got accredited.
Queen Rania's official website
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