Queen Rania Chairs NCFA Annual Board of Trustees Meeting

(Office of Her Majesty – Press Department – Amman) Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah chaired today the annual meeting of the board of trustees of the National Council for Family Affairs (NCFA) and listened to the council’s achievements in the past year and its future plans.
Her Majesty addressed the board and emphasized the importance of the Council’s pivotal role in drawing policies and plans that address societal challenges, she also urged that the organization should be adaptable to changes, noting recent challenges the Kingdom is facing such as refugee influx and radicalization.
Citing Jordan’s experience in child protection, Her Majesty commended Jordan’s participatory approach, which brought together multiple stakeholders involved. Queen Rania added, “Dealing with these challenges requires proper organization and that is what the Council does in order to come out with holistic plans.”
During the meeting, His Excellency Dr. Rajai Muasher was reelected as Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees and welcomed new members. Muasher also thanked members of the Board, the Secretary General and NCFA staff for their efforts and the achievements they accomplished this past year.
Muasher said, “The council is currently working on executing projects and programs that are in-line with its strategic goals.” He added, “The council, over the years, has developed great experience in its field of work especially in issues pertaining to early childhood.”
The council plans to utilize that experience to expand its scope of work to reach more families across the Kingdom.
Kicking off the meeting, Mr. Fadel Al Homoud, secretary general of NCFA, presented to the board the Council’s 2014 achievements and the executive plan for 2015.
Established in 2001 and headed by Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah, NCFA is a civil society umbrella organization that supports, coordinates, and facilitates the work of its partners and relevant institutions which are involved and influential in the field of family affairs. It acts as a national policy think-tank, a coordinating and monitoring body and an advocacy group for family issues.
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