Queen Rania Attends Davos and Meets with Representatives of International Educational Organizations

(Office of Her Majesty- Press Department- Davos) Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah attended today part of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting 2014 which is taking place in Davos, Switzerland between the 22nd and the 25th of January.
As the only Arab member on the WEF foundation board, Queen Rania will also participate tomorrow in the annual board meeting which outlines strategies and work plans for the foundation's upcoming year.
Alongside more than 2,500 participants, including heads of governments, business leaders and economic experts, Queen Rania attended several sessions that focused on education, development, and entrepreneurship. Her Majesty also met with representatives of different international educational organizations utilizing technology to improve the learning process.
Under the theme “Reshaping of the World: Consequences for Society, Politics and Business”, this year's meeting discusses a number of global challenges that the world is facing today. Topics including economic recovery, overcoming crisis, as well as how to address different growing challenges such as high rates of unemployment and inequality are some of the most highlighted issues.
Her Majesty, who also serves as a board member of the Forum of Young Global Leaders (YGL), will attend tomorrow a board meeting of YGL which will be held on the sidelines of WEF 2014.
Queen Rania's official website
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