Queen Rania Chairs NCFA's Annual Board of Trustees Meeting

(Office of Her Majesty- Press Department- Amman) Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah chaired today the National Council for Family Affairs (NCFA's) annual board of trustees meeting.
As Chairperson of the council, the Queen emphasized the importance of automating national procedures relating to family abuse cases and connecting all stakeholders to facilitate referrals, ensure proper follow up and to avoid duplication of efforts.
Queen Rania also called for building on previous national accomplishments and projects in the areas of family and childhood protection, which Jordan has put a great effort into building and pioneering in the region. However, many of these projects are not being utilized like the installation of closed-circuit television (CCTV) in juvenile courts in Jordan.
H.E. Dr. Rajai Muasher, Vice Chairman of the board, spoke about the importance of utilizing the expertise of the board members through the various sub committees and their roles in making sure the objectives of NCFA are achieved fully.
Secretary General of NCFA Mr. Fadel Al Homoud, presented an outline of the council's future plans and development projects which serve NCFA's strategic goals that aim to strengthen the fabric of the Jordanian families. He added that the council will support and follow up on the work of other public and private organizations that work in the same field so as to coordinate between them and maximize the outcomes of their work.
Al Homoud also explained that the council is in the process of automating family abuse cases, and is about to release a training manual on early childhood programs. NCFA will also establish two centers that provide family counseling services.
The council will also work with trainers who will be giving courses on safe internet usage for families and children.
NCFA will also issue a report on the characteristics and conditions of the Jordanian family as well as develop the National Strategic Plan for Family Protection against Family Violence, the National Framework for Family Protection, and the National Jordanian Strategy for Senior Citizens
The council is working to improve services provided to newborns and children under the age of four, as well as issuing the Foster Care Guidebook and improving standards of nurseries and foster care homes in Jordan.
Other board members discussed different issues including the need to build on the capacity of existing family counseling centers and conducting holistic studies on the characteristics of the Jordanian family. Board members also talked about the importance of applying and constantly developing legislations that aim to protect and empower the family unit in Jordan as well as increasing the role of religious figures in promoting concepts that would positively affect families in Jordan.
Queen Rania's official website
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