Queen Rania Visits the Town of Sakeb in Jerash and Checks up on Charity, School and Center for the Disabled

(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department- Amman) - Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah paid a visit to the town of Sakeb in the Governorate of Jerash today. During the visit, Her Majesty stopped by Darb Al Sifsaf Charitable Society to check on their latest programs serving the local community, and visited Sakeb Secondary school for girls.
Her Majesty toured the society’s facilities including the center for people with disabilities and the society’s kindergarten and pre- school where she visited with teachers and kids.
The Queen attended a meeting with twenty beneficiaries of the society along with its board members. The meeting was facilitated by Eng. Ghaleb Qudah from the Jordan River Foundation (JRF), who briefed the audience on projects that the foundation has implemented in cooperation with the Darb Al Sifsaf Society in Sakeb.
The society has several projects that were partly funded by JRF as part of their interventions in Dibeen, including the center for individuals with disabilities which, to date, has provided services to more than 30 people in the area. Also partly funded by JRF, the pre-school and kindergarten has to date employed more than ten teachers and enrolled more than 92 children.
The Kindergarten and pre-school have greatly impacted the local community by providing mothers in the area with the ability to attend to their work, and participate in income generating projects, while their children are being cared for in the school.
At the Sakeb Secondary School for Girls, the Queen visited with students and their teachers, who were happy to receive Her Majesty and greet her in their school.
Queen Rania's official website
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