Queen Rania Pays Surprise Visits to Two Amman Public Schools

(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department- Amman) – Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah paid a surprise visit to Um Al Summaq Al Shamali Secondary School for Girls and Khalda Secondary School for Girls to check up on the two public schools in Amman today. The visit comes as part of Her Majesty’s ongoing efforts to follow up on the educational process across the kingdom at the start of the new scholastic year.
Her Majesty was greeted by enthusiastic students who were surprised and ecstatic to see the Queen visit their school, check on their classrooms, and talk to them about their problems. Her Majesty also joined the students in raising the Jordanian flag to the sounds of the national anthem, during their morning assembly.
“You have made my day, with your joyful smiles and enthusiasm. Being part of your morning assembly brought back to me the great memories of being a student,” said Her Majesty while addressing the students.
“Education is your best chance to make your dreams come true, to prosper, and realize your potential, and I hope you’re all doing your best to make your parents, your school, and your country proud,” added the Queen.
Her Majesty wished the students all the best for the upcoming new school year, and commended their teachers for all their hard work and dedication. The Queen also conveyed His Majesty King Abdullah’s greetings to the students.
During the visit, Her Majesty stressed the need to provide the students with the suitable learning environment to increase their motivation, innovation, and sharpen their skills.
She also congratulated the schools on their Twajihi results and wished this year’s students the best of luck in their upcoming exams.
At the Khalda Secondary School for Girls, Her Majesty toured the school’s classrooms and joined teachers and the principle at their lounge for an informal chat about their school and its needs.
Her Majesty stopped by the classroom of first graders in the school and a couple of secondary level classes, preparing to enter their final Tawjihi year.
Queen Rania's official website
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