Queen Rania Pays Surprise Visits to 3 Public Schools

(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department- Amman) – Her Majesty Queen Rania went on a surprise visit today to inspect 3 public schools in Amman. Her Majesty’s visit marks the second day of the school year. Her Majesty visited Um al Usoud Secondary School for girls, Dabouq Elementary School for boys, and Al Hudaibieh and Abu Al Milh Primary Co-ed.
Queen Rania was greeted by enthusiastic screams of joy from the students who were surprised and ecstatic to see Her Majesty visit their school, check on their class rooms, and talk to them about their problems. Some of the girls rushed from their next door classrooms to see and welcome their Queen, as soon as word got out that she is paying their school a surprise visit.
Her Majesty wished the students all the best for the upcoming new school year, and commended the teachers on all their hard work and dedication.
During the visit Her Majesty stressed the need to provide the students with the suitable learning environment to increase their motivation, innovation, and shape their skills to help generate capable and responsible future generations, ready and enforced with the knowledge to enter the job market.
Her majesty toured the schools’ facilities, which included class rooms, IT labs and sciences labs, and even checked on the schools’ kitchens and canteen area. She also listened to the schools’ principals and teachers about their needs.
At the Dabouq Primary School, Queen Rania witnessed the results of the school’s renovation, which was done by the International Academy Amman (IAA), one of Her Majesty’s several education focused initiatives.
In the past two years, Her Majesty has directed most of Her attention to ensuring that quality education is available to all. Queen Rania launched “Madrasati Palestine” this year in eastern Jerusalem, based on the same model of Her Majesty’s “Madrasati” in Jordan. Madrasati, “my school” in Arabic, is an all-encompassing initiative that aims at rehabilitating and refurbishing the worst off public schools in Jordan, thus providing the students with a better school environment combined and increased local community involvement. With work on the Madrasati phase III commencing this year, the initiative has thus far reached more than 110 thousand students and community members.
Queen Rania's official website
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