Queen Rania Honors Madrasati Sponsors

(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department- Amman) Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah thanked Madrasati sponsors for their support and involvement at a lunch she hosted for them today.
During Lunch Madrasati Director Danah Dajani, stressed the importance of the work that Madrasati does, saying that it has thus far reached 300 schools and more than one hundred and ten thousand students and community members. Ms. Dajani thanked Her Majesty for Her support the sponsors for all their efforts in helping the Initiative.
Ms. Dajani also highlighted that in addition to renovating the physical infrastructure of the schools, Madrasati implements several educational and extracurricular activities at the schools. These programs include: The Queen Rania Teachers Academy (QRTA), Sports for Development, Jordan Education Initiative (JEI), and several other training and development extracurricular activities. Madrasati also works with the Jordan River Foundation on several programs that involve the teachers, students, JRF volunteers and the community as a whole.
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