Queen Rania Attends NCFA Board Meeting

(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department- Amman) Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah attended today the annual board meeting of the National Council for Family Affairs (NCFA). The meeting, which was held at the NCFA headquarters, tackled the Council’s expansion plans and planned projects for the upcoming year.
Board Member, Reem Abu Hassan, presented the main executive plan for 2012 which includes expanding NCFA’s work to include all governorates, enhance the Councils relations with Civil Society Organizations and to introduce new reports to be conducted by the council as well as follow-ups to previous ones. The council also plans on introducing a new organizational structure which is intended to cater to the new tasks assigned to the council.
Presided by Her Majesty, NCFA is a civil society umbrella organization that supports, coordinates and facilitates the work of its partners and relevant institutions which are involved and influential in the field of family affairs. It acts as a national policy think-tank, a coordinating and monitoring body and an advocacy group for family issues.
The Council publishes annual reports, national strategies, action plans and research in fields that range from violence against children to senior citizens affairs.
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