Queen Rania Attends Fundraiser for Madrasati Palestine in Kuwait

(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department – Kuwait) Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah, accompanied by Sheikha Amthal Al Sabah, on Wednesday attended a fundraising dinner hosted by the Madrasati Palestine Women's Network in Kuwait.
Her Majesty Queen Rania commended the efforts of the network members, especially the Kuwaiti members who will work to fundraise for and help Palestinian schools and their students. Adding that, the Kuwaiti woman is a role model for all educated and productive women in the region.
Her Majesty also stressed the importance of providing Palestinian students with the best education possible describing it as their armor against all the troubles they face in their daily realities.
Launched by the Queen Rania in April, Madrasati Palestine aims at revamping schools, improving classroom environments, enhancing teaching and learning strategies and improving teachers' standards.
The initiative is currently focused on schools in East Jerusalem, which are under the auspices of the Jordanian Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs.
Madrasati Palestine’s work, similar to its Jordanian counterpart, includes physical rehabilitation of East Jerusalem schools, and several educational programmes focused on developing a quality learning environment for students, teachers and parents.
During the dinner, a Palestinian and a Kuwaiti kid presented the plight of Palestinian to the attending crowd. An auction on several items was also held. All the proceeds from the auction will go to Madrasati Palestine.
Queen Rania's official website
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