Queen Rania Visits Fort Street Public School in Sydney

(Office of Her Majesty – Press Department – Sydney) - Her Majesty Queen Rania al Abdullah visited the Fort Street Public School (FSPS) on Friday, while on a State Visit to Australia with His Majesty King Abdullah II. The Queen was accompanied by the spouse of the Premier of New South Wales Ms. Kerryn Baird.
The FSPS is a Club Kidpreneur Hero School; an honorary role awarded by the Club Kidpreneur Foundation for schools boasting an entrepreneurial and leadership culture, and proactively promoting enterprise education.
Queen Rania was received by school Principal Ms. Michelle Peel-Yates and School Captains Ms. Nadia Qureashi and Mr. Christian Voigt. Her Majesty and Ms. Baird started the tour of the school by attending a student assembly, where they listened to welcoming remarks Ms. Peel-Yates and remarks from students about the Club Kidpreneur program.
Speaking at the assembly, Kidpreneur Super Star, 15 year-old student Poppy Starr Olsen, described her personal journey with the program, and how she was inspired to start a successful online business that sells jewelry and cards through various web-based stores.
Following the assembly, Queen Rania and Ms. Baird toured a technology classroom, and then stopped by the Kidpreneur Market Day in the school’s courtyard.
Commenting on Her Majesty’s visit to the school, Ms. Baird said: “Students of Fort Street Public have been treated to a very special visit by one of the world’s most passionate advocates for public education and quality teaching.”
“Queen Rania’s visit reinforces how important it is that children have the opportunity to receive an education, so they can grow up to be the leaders of tomorrow,” she added.
The Queen also met with Club Kidpreneur’s Co-Founders Mr. Creel Price and Ms. Tania Price, who thanked Her Majesty for her visit.
Mr. Price said: “To have the opportunity to introduce her Majesty to some of our young kidpreneurs at FSPS was quite an incredible experience for us all. The students were able to share their business stories and demonstrated what they had learnt through the Club Kidpreneur program.”
The visit was attended by representative of the New South Wales Department of Education Mr. Rod Megahey, spouse of the Australian Ambassador to Jordan Ms. Marta Henriques-Pereira, and spouse of the Ambassador of Jordan to Australia Ms. Lubna Kraishan.
Queen Rania's official website
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