Queen Rania Meets Students from Changing Lives Program

(Office of Her Majesty – Press Department – Amman) Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah met, today, with a group of fourteen students, from Coventry University, who participated in the Changing Lives Program’s 6th round.
The students, coming from the U.K, Sweden, Romania, and the Netherlands, spoke to Her Majesty about their activities, which they conducted under the Madrasati Initiative, during their stay in Jordan.
In attendance were also Dr. Majid AlSadi, Chairman & CEO of Eastern Holding, and Coventry University representatives, Mr. Brendan St. John, Coventry Changing Lives Project Manager, and Ms. Ateya Asghar, Coventry Employer Engagement Officer.
During their work with Madrasati, the students provided English language support, music and art activities as well as debate sessions and others.
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