Queen Rania Meets with Chairman and CEO of Arab Potash Company

(Office of Her Majesty – Press Office - Amman) Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah met, today, with H.E. Jamal Al Sarayrah, Chairman of Arab Potash Company, Mr. Brent Heimann, President/CEO of Arab Potash Company, and Mr. Bisher Mahasneh, Financial Manager of Arab Potash Company.
During the meeting, Queen Rania praised the company’s support for community development projects in various areas across the Kingdom and its most recent partnership with the Madrasati initiative in a number of public schools in the south of Jordan.
The meeting, which was attended by Haifa Al Attia, CEO of Queen Rania Foundation (QRF) and Tala Sweis, Director of Madrasati, took place following The Arab Potash Company signing a three-year grant agreement with Madrasati. The grant will go towards a project that aims at enhancing the learning environment in Jordan through implementing a holistic, multi-dimensional intervention in 10 schools in the southern governorates of Jordan (Karak, Tafilah and Maan).
Al Sarayrah added that the agreement is part of the company's belief in the importance of the work carried out by Madrasati, which is in line with its corporate social responsibility priorities.
This agreement will build on a previous partnership with Madrasati in previous years which benefited 40 different schools in the southern governorates.
Madrasati supports the work of the Ministry of Education through renovating public schools in urgent need of repair; developing their infrastructure and introducing new educational programs that aim to enrich the learning environment in schools and benefit students, teachers and parents.
Queen Rania's official website
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