Queen Rania Meets with Her Organizations: “Your Diversity Is the Source of Your Strength”
(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department- Amman) With a view to strengthening coordination among Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah’s ten non-profit organizations, the affiliations met Wednesday at the International Academy Amman (IAA) to focus on setting strategic goals for the future.
The day long proceedings began with a meeting attended by director-level staff from Her Majesty’s affiliations which included representatives from Madrasati, The Royal Health Awareness Society, Al Aman Fund, IAA, Jordan Education Initiative, Jordan River Foundation Children’s Museum, National Council for Family Affairs, Queen Rania’s Teacher Academy, and Queen Rania’s Award for Excellence in Education.
Her Majesty then joined attendees as well as employees from Her organizations, and was briefed by their respective directors on the latest developments, achievements, and work plan for the year ahead.
Addressing the group, Queen Rania highlighted the importance of synergy and joint planning among the ten organizations to ensure an integrated and well coordinated response to the challenges lying ahead.
The Queen further underscored the need for all relevant institutions to participate in genuine partnership and productive dialogue, while recognizing their independent roles, responsibilities, and expertise as indispensable.
“Your diversity is the source of your strength, yet you must work together as a family, constantly re-evaluating your strengths, weaknesses and priorities to meet the challenges ahead,” Her Majesty told over 400 representatives assembled.
In a group discussion, participants also reviewed their alignment with Her Majesty’s overall vision, which prioritizes the promotion of education, and community empowerment at both the national and international level.
Also today, the group discussed issues related to communication, fundraising, programming, and internal management.
Queen Rania's official website
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