Queen Rania Joins World Leaders to Launch 1GOAL Campaign in an Event That Spans Six Locations Worldwide

(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department- London) Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah, on Tuesday, joined forces with global leaders, footballers, and FIFA President Sepp Blatter in the global launch of the 1Goal education campaign, which included live satellite link-ups from six different countries.
The FIFA-backed 1Goal campaign, which seeks to give 75 million children a fair chance in life by recruiting tens of millions of supporters through a mass sign up campaign in the run up to the 2010 World Cup, calls on global leaders to stand up to their education pledges.
As co-founder and global co-chair of the 1Goal campaign, Queen Rania stood alongside Prime Minister Gordon Brown and football personalities to highlight the education drive during the global launch held at Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium:
“This is our chance to show not just out-of-school children, but our own children, that when we make a promise, we keep it. That’s why I’m proud to be the co-founder and global co-chair of 1 GOAL. That’s why I welcome global leaders who have the courage to live up to their aid commitments,” commented the Queen.
“It's an outrage that 35 million African children miss out on a basic primary education, tackling that would be an incredible achievement. That is why I am delighted that global leaders, some of the world's best footballers and ordinary people from every continent have come together to back 1GOAL,” said Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
Her Majesty also stressed that for millions of children who are denied an education, going to school is their only dream; a hope which was lifted in 2000 when world leaders promised to put every child in school by 2015.
“In 2000, we promised them global education. We breathed life into their dream. Nearly ten years later, they are still waiting. Ten years of children growing up never seeing the inside of a classroom, missing their one chance at childhood,” said Her Majesty.
Calling on global leaders “to stand by their conscience and convictions, to turn this tragedy into triumph,” Queen Rania said it would cost $11 billion- what the world spent last year on computer games- to get the world’s children into primary schools.
“When the final whistle blows at the World Cup in 2010, we want every politician to know our goal, 1GOAL: that global education is a global dream,” concluded Her Majesty.
The UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, also made pre-recorded statements in support of the campaign, which aired during the event.
“Today, there are boys and girls around the world dreaming about their futures. Education is their gateway to opportunity; it lifts people out of poverty and strengthens families, communities and countries. That’s why I’m pleased to join FIFA and so many other leaders around the world to launch the 1GOAL Campaign. Let’s make this World Cup an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to Education for All,” said US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Joining in from New York, the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon said: "Today, I am pleased to sign on with FIFA and football players everywhere in the 1GOAL Campaign. I call on world leaders and people everywhere to join me in signing on to 1GOAL. With your support, the most important goals scored at the 2010 World Cup will be the Millennium Development Goals."
Speaking ahead of the launch, President of football's world governing body FIFA, Sepp Blatter, underscored the importance of achieving global education for all.
“The FIFA World Cup 2010, the first one to be held on the African continent, represents a unique opportunity to mobilize energies around the globe to provide education and thus a better future for every child of our planet,” said Blatter.
The event also included live satellite link-ups from the Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, President of Ghana, Atta Mills and President of South Africa Jacob Zuma.
“We support the footballers and their fans in calling on all world leaders to do their part to ensure every child can go to school. We need to see action at the World Cup and beyond. By acting now, together we can ensure education for all,” said President Zuma, whose country will play host to the World Cup next year.
Queen Rania was also joined by football personalities including football legend Sir Bobby Charlton, former France captain Marcel Desailly, Portsmouth's South Africa defender Aaron Mokoena, Gary Lineker and David James.
Join 1GOAL at www.join1goal.org or follow at www.twitter.com/join1goal
Queen Rania's official website
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