Queen Rania Visits Al-Hussein Girls’ School in Zarqa

(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department - Zarqa) As students headed back to their classrooms this week, Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah visited Al-Hussein Girls’ School in Zarqa, which is run by the Directorate of Education and Military Culture of the Jordanian Armed Forces.
During the visit, Queen Rania stressed the importance of schools being a natural extension of the family where all ideals and morals develop by providing a suitable educational environment that can foster excellence and creativity.
On the sidelines of the visit, Queen Rania met with the head of the Directorate of Education as well as the school’s principal and teachers and reiterated His Majesty King Abdullah’s commitment to place education and knowledge on top of national priorities because investment in this field is the only means for guaranteeing a brighter future.
Queen Rania also visited the classrooms and the computer lab where she discussed with students and teachers their preparedness for the upcoming scholastic year.
Before concluding her visit to Zarqa, Queen Rania, who is Honorary Chairperson of the Army Officers' Wives Club (AOWC), distributed school bags containing stationary for the students. Established in 2002, the AOWC implements programs that aim at supporting armed forces recruits and their families as well as children of martyrs.
Al-Hussein Girls’ School was established in 1958 and is one of 22 schools run by the Directorate of Education and Military Culture of the Jordanian Armed Forces throughout the Kingdom in which 12,000 students are enrolled.
The school, run by 68 teachers and administrators, contains 23 classrooms, where 800 students are currently enrolled. It includes a computer lab, a science lab, educational facilities, and a library.
Queen Rania's official website
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