Queen Rania Meets with a Delegation from the American-Arab Anti Discrimination Committee and Life for Relief

(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department - Amman) Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah met with a delegation from the Michigan chapter of the American-Arab Anti Discrimination Committee (ADC) and Life for Relief, a US-based NGO working in Iraq.
The ADC, the largest Arab-American organization is devoted to promoting the interests, rights and voice of Arab-Americans.
They briefed Queen Rania about their work on issues relating to civil liberties and the special problems facing Americans of Arab ancestry in the current political climate and their aim to achieve progress in sensitizing all Americans to the important need to safeguard civil liberties of all Americans.
During the meeting, the delegation stressed the importance of cross cultural dialogue and praised the important role which Queen Rania plays in building bridges of understanding between cultures describing her as a role model for Arab women.
Queen Rania was also briefed on the ongoing work of Life for Relief. This organization, established in 1991 by Muslim American professionals in response to the humanitarian crisis in Iraq, will be providing humanitarian assistance to approximately 30,000 Iraqis.
Life for Relief also has successful programs in several other locations, including Afghanistan and Palestine.
Queen Rania's official website
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