Queen Rania Sees off Third Convoy of Medical Assistance to Leave Jordan for Iraq

(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department - Amman) In accordance with His Majesty King Abullah’s effort in supporting the Iraqi people during the current situation, Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah saw off the third convoy of trucks scheduled to leave Jordan for Iraq carrying much needed medical equipment.
During the visit, Queen Rania exchanged talks with officials responsible for the convey that comprises 20 trucks carrying medical equipments, virals, food items, as well as infant milk.
She further commended them on their sincere efforts which would culminate in ensuring the delivery of the much needed assistance to the Iraqis.
The Ministry of Health donated the supplies of 4 trucks, while the other 6 were donated by the Jordanian Hashemite Charity Organization in cooperation with local and international relief organizations.
Part of the supplies will be delivered to the Yarmouk Educational Hospital in Baghdad and the other part will be stored for future use.
Accompanying the convoy is a medical team from the Ministry of Health comprising 18 certified doctors in the fields of surgery, anesthetics, and nursing. The convoy also includes one refrigerator truck carrying vaccines to be used by the 5-member team accompanying it to the town of Rutba.
5,000 children aged 0-6 years will be vaccinated. His Majesty King Abdullah II has launched a national campaign to help the Iraqi people and assist them during these dire health conditions making Jordan the launching pad for humanitarian assistance for the Iraqi people.
National coordination efforts are being carried out by the Crisis Management Center, where they are facilitating and coordinating the work between national and international organization to launch their relief efforts from Jordan.
In line with these efforts and stemming from her own concern for humanity, Queen Rania held a series of meetings with representatives of international humanitarian organizations who have taken Jordan as a launch pad for their humanitarian work for the Iraqi people, during which she stressed the importance of facilitating the work of these organizations to better perform their relief efforts in Iraq to help alleviate the suffering of the people of Iraq.
Queen Rania met with representatives of the World Health Organization from Jordan and Iraq, with local pharmaceutical companies, and with the Crisis Management Center where she had expressed her concern over the humanitarian situation in Iraq; highlighting the urgency of meeting the medical needs of Iraqis and the necessity of transporting Iraqi children in need of medical care to Jordan for treatment.
This formulated into tangible results, where many children in need of medical treatment are receiving the proper medical care in Jordan. Their Majesties also launched a blood donation campaign earlier last month, donating their blood to help the wounded of the Iraqi people.
Queen Rania's official website
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