The Queen Rania Teacher Academy
About The Queen Rania Teacher Academy
QRTA was established in 2009 to raise the quality of teaching in Jordan by developing the skills of teachers through continuous training and professional development.
Teachers in Jordan are under-resourced, under-supported and disconnected from one another. Most of the student’s learning experience at schools consists of routine learning and students are under-performing in international test assessments in math, science and literacy. QRTA exists to support teachers through professional development and connecting them to one another. The 2013-14 UNESCO Education for All Global Monitoring Report identified QRTA as one of the key organizations that can reach teachers and provide them with training to improve the quality of teaching, and in turn, student learning outcomes.
Enable every educator to positively influence the future generation of Jordan and the Arab World by spearheading education policy reform and teacher professional development.
QRTA aims to lead the advancement in the quality of teaching and the promotion of excellence in education in Jordan, and the region. We are guided by an ambitious vision that we aspire to significantly contribute to through mobilizing QRTA’s intellectual resources to maintain high standards in developing training programs and reforming teacher policies.
QRTA simply believes that every educator should be given the skills, recognition and support to excel.

Queen Rania's official website
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