Queen Rania's Acceptance Speech for the WIE Leadership Award 2010 - NY, USA

Thank you, Sarah, for those kind words and this humbling award. You’re a great friend, a tireless humanitarian, and a true inspiration.
Together with Arianna, a giant of journalism, and Donna, a visionary of fashion, you symbolize the determination, creativity, and compassion of female leaders today.
Together, you’ve gathered some of the most impressive women in the world. From politics and media, to philanthropy and the arts, women in this room are redefining their industries as leaders of today and tomorrow.
And it’s together you’re reshaping the lives of women around the world, too. Under the White Ribbon Alliance, women in over 140 countries are living longer, healthier lives; proof that, united, women can be an unstoppable force for good.
It’s a privilege to be with you today to receive this honor.
Thank you.
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