The 5 women who inspired us at the Women In The World Summit
Last night saw the first ever London Summit of Women In The World from Cadogan Hall featuring some seriously incredible women. The summit was founded by Tina Brown and sponsored by the New York Times with the conference normally hosted in America. Queen Rania of Jordan The awe-inspiring Queen Rania has become known for her community work relating to education, health and youth. She spoke about how Jordan does what it can to help the refugee crisis: "A full 25 percent of our budget goes toward the cost of hosting those refugees," she said. "Jordan is not a rich country, it's not like the countries in the Gulf. The magnitude of this crisis has overwhelmed our ability to cope." On the stage, Queen Rania was pushing for a more global approach to helping with refugee crises, rather than separate countries deciding on how much they can take in. She was passionate about making clear the reasons why refugees seek help, that ultimately, they find themselves in a situation where they have zero choice: "We have to remember that no one chooses to become a refugee; that's what happens when you run out of choices." Queen Rania who has 4.3 million followers on Twitter, also said that social media has changed the landscape of warfare - however "you must drive your social media, and not let it drive you."
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